Friday, 6 November 2015

My Dear Bestfriend

You, and your masked eye
Cuteness we can't deny
Fury and Spots
Those brown dots
We love you
And I know that 3 months
Enough for us to miss you
For the pain you endure
Now you are gone
Nothing could be done
I am just happy you are not hurting anymore
But sadness even kills me more
Time will heal this hurt
But we will never forget
Hope you could visit in my dream
Yogi, we love you just the same

Rest In Peace My Love, Yogi.


Sunday, 20 September 2015

Its Been Five Years

At first I don't think that you are the one 
Two or Three you're gone
Friends don't want you
Things I never knew
One Year then I'm the longest
Well, it seems like full of happiness
Two years we were on the future
Us being mature
Three Years things are all serious
Life has been in curious
Four Years getting ready to be steady
But, the time has come to weary
Five years opposite views
Now we're in a different news


Originaly written by: Mara Erella Sison

Tuesday, 31 March 2015


Wait wait, I just want to say Hi
For the people who had visited this profile
Maybe I'm not the best
But at least here you can't see my mess
Lifetime will be fine for me to express
Forever will give me time to impress
Just go on and look and explore
I'm referring to my posts before
Next time you'll see
Another post not for you but for me
Yes thank you
And please do
Visit again and see the meter
Number of visitors are getting higher
I appreciate and wait wait wait,
I'll need to sleep cause the clocks already ticked eight

xx Marae


It has been a year when I said hello
I am now back with a go
Maybe today I will write
Tomorrow my brain cells will fight
But at least for a while I had a post
For now, this is what I can do most


xx Marae