It's my first time to visit I am Shoe In Love. I think this year has been jam packed!
A two day shoe bazaar of local and international brand organized by The List Group, the event was on it's 3rd year now. Venue was NBC Tent in Taguig, I went there in the afternoon on their first day. I can't remember the exact time, maybe 3-4:00 PM and I was already their 3000th guest.
On to my outfit, I just love the combination of Turquoise and Pink plus the touch of my red ballet shoes... very comfortable and girly.
Ballet Shoes - Reva / Top - Landmark / Shorts - Somewhere in my Closet
Now, lets go inside the bazaar!
Jam packed day 1, naaaaah! I need to make bugbugan pa just in choosing some of the super sale shoes.
Melissa Shoes and Booties!
Just when I say SUPER SALE! P500.00 and P999.00 only!
Also available, stylish shoes for kids.
My love with flat shoes made my money gone.
Rag-made shoes. They also have rag-made wallet/phone case, and I bought one just for P80.00!
Shopping galore! Money gone, but satisfied.
What's inside? Soon!
Excited for next year! Congrats The List Group!